Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Honest Conversations about Mental Health and Suicide, with Dr. Mark Mayfield Board-Certified Counselor, and Founder and CEO of Mayfield Counseling Centers
Dr. Mark Mayfield is a brilliant licensed professional counselor (LPC), a Board-Certified Counselor, and Founder and CEO of Mayfield Counseling Centers. Dr. Mayfield knows firsthand the pain and devastation of mental health disorders and has committed his life’s work to raising awareness and improving the state of mental health care today. Dr. Mayfield has more than 14 years of professional counseling experience in clinical, judicial, and faith-based counseling settings across a wide range of patient demographics. Dr Mayfield has professional experience in treating and addressing anxiety, depression and PTSD, substance abuse, domestic violence, self-injury and suicide. Dr. Mayfield recently launched his book, titled "HELP! My Teen is Self-Injuring: A Crisis Manual for Parents” which addresses his own suicide survival story, self-injury, and how to help your child who might be going through this.
Dr. Mayfield joins Kristen Hall, COO of Mother Honestly, to discuss maternal mental health and the mental health of our families. Dr. Mayfield shares his experience from working with families and provides valuable feedback that we can incorporate now to improve mental health and resiliency in ourselves and our children. He also encourages parents to have the difficult discussions related to mental health, emotions, and suicide in age appropriate snippets. Be sure to follow him on @thedrmayfield and visit his website https://drmayfield.com/ for more of his work.
The Mother Honestly Podcast is proudly sponsored by Motor City Woman Studios.